Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to school, back to school

Classes have officially begun here at AASU and so far I love them.  To say the least Monday(the first day the began) did not go so smoothly.  If yall know me yall probably know that when crazy things happen they happen to me.  Class starts at 8:30, I leave my building at roughly 8:10, by the time I get to my car it is around 8:15.  I go to unlock my car...nothing.  Internal dialogue: "funny, I bet something is wrong with the key".  Get in crank (8:17)... nothing.  "no way try again"  "bad word"..."one more time"..."string of bad words".  8:19..."Nancy can you take me to class my car won't start"  Nancy:  Sure I will be right down!  (Nancy is my friend who is absolutely wonderful and saved my butt on Monday)  Anyways one would think that is where the story ends, but lets not be silly this is me we're talking about.  I go to get in I feel something snag my pocket but I am already in forward motion and before I can react...RIIIPPPP...."more really bad words"... "Nancy I just ripped my pocket"... Nancy:  "It will be ok".  I get out of Nancy's car 8:29... Nancy:"ohhh you can see the hole"..."bad word"... anyways I pull my shirt down and fix everything to cover the whole and walk in while simultaneously realizing I left my purse in my car.  Not necessarily a catastrophic event but none the less the cherry on top.   Not to worry my car battery was drained by a light we must have accidentally hit and turned on while moving and I became very well acquainted with the university's police who are rather friendly and helpful (not sarcasm true story and they are funny!).  Other than that little matter of drama I love my professors and classes though there is already quite a bit of work involved.  For the most part I stay busy and I love my time here but I will admit that on the occasions when my thoughts aren't occupied by friends or one of my classes I miss everyone at home, but I will be there in a week and I think those weekends here and there will help a lot.  Beach bash 2011 is Friday (its a school organized event ps not a crazy party) and I am excited for that.  I have made some really great friends to go with and I am sure I will meet more there!  I hope everything is going great back home and I love and I miss yall! xoxo Ashley!


  1. Glad your having a good time. I'll keep mother & daddy updated on you. Daddy calls everyday to ask...has ash posted anything today? LOL

    I told him not to call you....your busy with school.


  2. I am so glad that you are blogging all of this for us to hear about. I am sure you handled everything with grace and easy, unlike what I would have done! hehe! I am literally counting down until the weekend. The past week has gone by so slow, and I couldn't figure out why, but now I know. I love you!

  3. Thanks Tina! They can call just not while I am in class. haha

    Lindsey I was pretty frazzled but I am used to these things so I just dealt with it. Love you too
