Friday, August 12, 2011


I have always heard of pregnant women "nesting".  Well no worries I am not expecting but I am finding myself doing and enjoying things here the dorm that at home would have been an absolute hassle.  I am organizing and cleaning and just making my own little system to make things here more comfortable.  One very important thing that would have been helpful to know last night is that you have to turn on air conditioning before it will work, but now that is settled so far so good.  I am going to our carnival tonight and I am meeting up with some people I have met.  I do have to say that if I could I would go back and shake fifteen year old Ashley's hand and say well done for deciding to go on that trip to California.  As crazy as I thought I had gone when I stepped on that plane I realize now just how much that experienced prepared me for this one.  I will never be able to recreate the greatness of those ten days but perhaps I will get to have an even better year here.  Mom and Dad are doing pretty well with everything they went out to the beach for the day (I was invited but I figured it would be best to stick around here and socialize) and I think they are liking this place, which is good because that will make visits more fun.  Life here is still going to be full of adjustments, but something tells me I have found myself in the right place.  I still love you and miss you all at home though!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear this. Everything happens for a reason, and the Cali trip definitely happened for a reason! This doesn't make it any easier that you aren't here, but we will survive. I am so proud of you for being post some pictures!!! LOVE AND MISS YOU! :)
